Saturday, March 1, 2008

Thank you all!

It has been a month after my wedding and to thank all my jie meis and xiong dis for their help on our big day, we have decided to throw a thank you party and give them some treats at my place. Although we are not treating to any expensive food (with normal food like pizzas, cakes, home-cooked pastas and chicken wings), we certainly had a good time catching up. Some of the jie mei and xiong dis were unable to attend due to work, family or health but most of us had a good time chatting and watching 'Lust Caution' on my new DVD player connected via don't know what better cable that gives better quality resolution on my TV.

I really appreciate the presence of my family and friends around me. They were there for me when I am down or happy. It's these people around me that sometimes make me feel that life is worth living for and maybe there is really a purpose in life for me.

We usually don't know how to appreciate the people around us until a major event or incident happens. After all the events that happen to me, I have learnt some precious lessons that I will always remember:-

1) Family will always love me, NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS
2) Treasure my precious friends that I have now.
3) Some people are just not worth waiting for.

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